'welcome to my parlor' said the spider to the fly...

Saturday, January 14, 2017


I think birthdays are pretty darned awesome. And enormous. I think birthdays are pretty darned awesome and enormous. And not in a celebrate-your-pants-off kinda way. I think birthdays are awesome and enormous for your insides. Birthdays are a chance at rebirth, a chance to grasp a poignant moment in time and make it make a difference.

What better way to effect a positive, life-affirming, growth-inspiring life change than the day of your birth. Imagine the possibilites when each birthday becomes a rebirth, a chance to celebrate a year of re-life every single year? Imagine that’s a new you for every year of the rest of your life.

It’s like a youth cocktail, all wrapped up neatly with a bow and presented to you on your special day. Sprinkles or no. Cherry optional. And the best part is that you can chose to sip it or plug it as you please.

Can you hear it? The sweet sound of beckoning possibility. Alive with the electricity of “The Moment”.



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