'welcome to my parlor' said the spider to the fly...

Monday, November 14, 2011

So I haven't been all that good at regular posting and I haven't been great at keeping in touch... Bite me.

Life has me on a roller-coaster and I must admit, for all the bloody reflexive introspective re-evaluating reality-checking crap that I consistently find myself doing (possibly the only consistent thing in my life at the moment) I still find time to put out a mat on the front lawn and sip a cup of ice tea as the sun goes down. I am pleased to say I have almost but mastered the art of smelling the roses. This weekend Ashish and I watched 'In Time' - a futuristic movie about time becoming the new currency and I really must admit, it hit a few sore spots. It's one thing taking a moment to sip a glass of ice tea as the sun goes down and it's a complete other to be the master of your time. As crazy as life has been over the past few months, I feel blessed to have the sense of mind to know that things can be different (read: calmer) and I have a say in that change. And so phase two begins. Bring on the calm.

I'm also well-chaffed to share with you that on the 11th of the 11th at 7something in the morning I became a Masi (aunt) for the second time. :) *yogi takes a bow. You may hold your applause now. The chatti (naming ceremony) is on Wednesday and I'm itching to see the little one - not to mention my cousin the new old mom. ;)

This whole time issue really has me going. On one end there is the constant need (necessity!) to deliver and on the other there is a strong inclination towards maintaining the organic'ness of life. I rate, it's far too often that we're sucked into involving ourselves in activities and tasks that sap us of life-force - which is (to add insult to injury) hardly appreciated at all. It's not that there is this burning desire to ensure that with every task you volunteer your liver for you get a complimentary mint and a 'Thank You' card, but just ever so simply - is it really essential to world peace that you exhaust yourself to a pithy? *ahem. I talk to myself now. *blush.

God and yogi willing, my next post will be a blah blah woohaa about reaching the end of my thesis writing. By then I hope to be super organised, super cool and super relaxed.

Adieu dear friends...


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