i look back on the previous year and can scarcely believe that it's been my year. a year i've lived through - a year i've spent every moment engaging with myself and my environment. i think of all the moments i've sat in frustrating grappling with myself to understand and trust that everything happens for a reason and i can't help but smile at the irony of the universal play. and that play still continues - continually challenging and inspiring me to god knows what!!
i'm 23. i'm 20 freeking 3 years old and i still can't tell my ass from my elbow! there's a silent amusement in the fact that i still enjoy (so-called) childish pleasures. my world lights up when i see the sound vibrations in a bowl of water, when i plunge my hand(s) into a bowl of rice or mung (or any bean/grain) or when i allow my paint brush free-reign on my canvas. the truth is i'm a modern day peter-pan. or rather - peter-pamela? the thought of growing up scares the living daylights out of me and i find myself at a point in my life where it's do or die time. lets be reasonable. choosing not to grow up wouldn't be the smartest idea right now, especially since i've had a taste of the perks of grown-up-life having lived on my own for some time. and yet, i find myself cringing at the thought of marriage, work, career, children, house - home, the white picket fence - aaagh, the list goes on. inevitably, it seems that the moment work and career is settled the next (so-called) logical step is marriage and thereafter children and thereafter their marriage and thereafter retirement - and here is where i stop!!! yes, i do realize, i'm making excuses, but i also am highly aware that phobia is beyond reason.
hi. my name is yogita (chorus: hi yogita).
and i'm afraid of growing up.
i'm 23. i'm 20 freeking 3 years old and i still can't tell my ass from my elbow! there's a silent amusement in the fact that i still enjoy (so-called) childish pleasures. my world lights up when i see the sound vibrations in a bowl of water, when i plunge my hand(s) into a bowl of rice or mung (or any bean/grain) or when i allow my paint brush free-reign on my canvas. the truth is i'm a modern day peter-pan. or rather - peter-pamela? the thought of growing up scares the living daylights out of me and i find myself at a point in my life where it's do or die time. lets be reasonable. choosing not to grow up wouldn't be the smartest idea right now, especially since i've had a taste of the perks of grown-up-life having lived on my own for some time. and yet, i find myself cringing at the thought of marriage, work, career, children, house - home, the white picket fence - aaagh, the list goes on. inevitably, it seems that the moment work and career is settled the next (so-called) logical step is marriage and thereafter children and thereafter their marriage and thereafter retirement - and here is where i stop!!! yes, i do realize, i'm making excuses, but i also am highly aware that phobia is beyond reason.
hi. my name is yogita (chorus: hi yogita).
and i'm afraid of growing up.
Hi Yogita!!! (that was for the chorus)
You are growing up Yogita... Growing up i snot reaching a certain age when you can be called an adult, but reaching an age when you can take responsibilities for your actions. I agree with every word you said today in the chat.
We all need to grow up, sooner or later, and honestly, the sooner it is, the better.
Growing up, is like love affairs that didn't work... No matter how much you loved your ex, you have to move on.. Likewise, no matter how much we want to be a child, we have to move on... we have to grow up...
And i think i realize it more and more as i write this...
Lol.. i could probably write a blog on your blog while i comment on it...
But its true... you're growing up !!!
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