Dear Not-so-dear President Zuma,
You forget Mr President that we are the children of freedom fighters and lovers of democracy.
Our blood, fortified by our forefather’s legacies makes us strong, resilient and fiercely protective of this thing called Our Freedom.
Mr President,
You lay waste to our country.
You strip it of its resources. You rape our women and pillage our fields.
You, like crude black oil, suffocate our children. Stealing food from their mouths, roofs from over their heads.
Your henchmen hunt down our men. You and your ancestors are stained with the blood of those who have died under your rule.
You sink a fetid sink.
Our children have no respect for you. Our elders have lost faith.
But the shock Mr President, in all of this - the shock - you remain our President. Our Mr President. You remain at the helm of our ship and we are left in exasperation asking “Why?”, “but how!?” - arms flailing, bodies sagging.
I can just hear that ominous laugh. That hollow “he he he” - an omen of awful things to come.
See the thing is Mr President, that you underestimate us. The Guptas underestimate us too. You *think* you can win this game. You *think* that even if you “lose” you would have won. But you forget Mr President that freedom is in our blood. And the further you lay waste the country, the further you quash our freedoms the harder and stronger we will fight back.
You forget Mr President that we made a promise to protect that freedom as unborn children in our mothers wombs. When we heard the wailing for the dead, when we smelt the smoke in the air from the burning.
You forget Mr President that we are a nation of freedom fighters. Our blood fortified by the sacrifices of our forebears.
You forget Mr President who you are dealing with.
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