'welcome to my parlor' said the spider to the fly...

Monday, March 12, 2007

on a completely different note, life is good - i have a lovely roof over my head, yummy food in my tummy, nice clothing on my back.

other than that it sucks... still no job, still no word from the millions of people i've sent my cv to and still no bleeding sign of light at the end of my rather bleek looking tunnel...

ok, so maybe i'm painting a rather too-bleak-a-picture, but the world is a complicated, ironic, cruel place... that being said - oh things could have been so much worse.

in the light of things being much worse and in absolute gratitude for the things i do have - lets end this one on a good note:


don't worry if your job is small and your rewards are few... remember that the mighty oak was once a nut like you...



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