life is beautiful.
as much as so many of us bitch and moan (me included) about the shittiness and complexities of life, the undisputable fact is that life is beautiful.
one of the most amazing things is that no matter how many times we chose to ignore or reject the eternal divinity, when we are ultimately ready, it reveals itself to us in a grand manner. i think that in a lot of ways, we need to change or adapt our mindset and how we chose to view the world and the things that happen in it. should we see life as a collection of experiences, tailor-designed to help us learn and grow – life becomes a rich tapestry of interwoven, interconnected life-lessons.
ok, that’s my bit of existentialising for now…
week update:
the funniest thing happened. on monday, sam, kish and i went to debonairs for pizza and as we drove up to res (from debonairs), my mouth started getting all itchy and a bit swollen. slowy it got worse as it traveled down my throat (yes, but this stage i was going slightly kookoo – itchy throat not good eeaaagh!!). so because i couldn’t phone ba that evening, kish (aka the darling) phoned his dad (who is a doc) and asked him what the course of action should be for an allergic reaction (to mustard). after some strange anti-vom pills, lots of water and listerine the situation ‘calmed-down’ so to speak. except that now i was buzzing from the listerine!!!
but it gets funnier…
and so, oh best beloved, after my test on tuesday i went to sam's and was super duper starving... so, i made a nice steamy cup of noodles for meself and settled down on the bean bag to enjoy them... then, dearest sam cracks some wise-ass joke about mustard and oh-so-casually looks at the ingredients on the pack of noodles... need i say more? luckily, i had only had 3 spoons, so the reaction wasn’t as bad as the whole pizza, but hows that for irony!!!
and jai shri krishna for wednesday. hope everyone had a special, wonderful... blessed janmashtami!
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