niks has kindly pointed out to me that i have another spelling error in my previous post. from now on i'm cutting and pasting from word... my liver just can't handle it anymore...
on a brighter note… i’m writing anthro tomorrow (tourism) and will only have 1 paper left after that! yay… the challenge at this point is to get through the next 48 hrs alive… someone save my oh-so-traumatised bum-bum!!
aside from anthro (which is happily chomping on my liver), procrastination and insomnia i’m doing ok!! steph (see photo) and i had an awesome evening last night… just chilling and chatting… lying on sam’s bean-bag staring at my white ceiling and existential-ising – and no, we were not high!! it was one of those moments when all around (and inside) of you is going bezerk and somehow, you know it’s all going to be ok. yes, yes, the warm fuzzy feeling… that nice squishy feeling you get in your toes – like when your mum used to put little notes in your lunch…
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