right, i believe a pity-party is in order…
i don’t know where to begin… should i begin by slating my oh-so irritating neighbour to the depths of hell, or should i target her parents, who have obviously taught her that it’s ok to be a screeching, squealing abomination? in all fairness, her ‘dear’ (note: none is a dear – save for an animal) friend should take at least half of the blame – for she was the one doing the most screeching.
pardon me, in the midst of my frustration, lack of quality sleep and general grumpiness, i fear i am being rather unclear… so here’s the real sheezy…
at 12 midnight, this soul decided that she had had her lot for the day, and retired to bed. now, if you’ve read my previous posts, you will have noticed the reference to insomnia, which continues to plague my oh-so fragile liver… so, in the beginning best beloved, i found it difficult to fall off to sleep. i finally feel into some vague stupor (yay – applaud now…). HOWEVER… that was not to last long, as at about 3am… yes, you read right… 3 bloody a.m., my bloody neighbour and her bloody pal decide that it’s bloody fun to bloody laugh (oh-so-very loudly), and bloody talk at the top of their bloody voices. now if you know oriel at all, you’ll know that it’s made out of paper, and the fact that res is dead quiet at that dead hour, does much for the acoustics. (this is the part where you start to feel very sorry for me). after much whining, groaning, and whimpering, i mustered up the courage to leave my warm spot and ask my fellow housemates to tone it down a bit. which (in all fairness and due credit to the brain-less) was done. HOWEVER, at 5am… the saga recommenced… and at 7am this poor sod (i am feeling very sorry for myself right now) went yet again to ask the hooligans to get a padded cell.
the irony of this all is that i have the power to fine and give-hell-to and yet i chose not to… i’ve fined this individual before, and given a million warnings, and still… nooooo change!!! i ask you with tears in my hazel brown eyes… aren’t i just the biggest sucker you’ve met?