'welcome to my parlor' said the spider to the fly...

Sunday, October 03, 2010

And boy, did ‘things’ happen! The universe sure takes this whole ‘school of life’ thing seriously!

DSC04539Mauritius – the scenic island plonk in the middle of the Indian ocean was the chosen site for my life-learning this time around. Honestly, there is little to be said about Mauritius that hasn’t been said already. It’s the perfect combination of sea and surf – mountain and beach. Every sunset, every crashing wave, every rainbow (of which there are many!) – each a moment to cherish. I won’t bore you with a superlative overload on the beauty of the Island, but yes – it is everything it’s made out to be… and more.

The ‘and more’ comes loaded. Mauritius was not only a place to conduct interesting fieldwork, but a place of great learning and growing. As the organisational hurdles around me grew and seemed almost impossible to pass I grew increasingly aware of my ability to cope and manage the situation. When the seemingly impossible happens, it takes just a split-second to change your perspective on it… and in that moment – you become free.

Bounding, boundary-less through the vast expanse of the universe you discover yourself, your untapped energy becomes a source of inspiration to those around you. Your breath, slowly in slowly out, bringing with each exhale and every inhale a new life. Infusing every moment with the ‘something’ we all seek the, challenge draws you closer to yourself, acquainting you with the eternity that is ‘You’ – You become one, You are one.

The relationships I established, the lessons I learnt, indeed, each one of my experiences will be a part of me forever. But what remains to me the most important ‘take-away’ of all has been the acceptance of ‘universal play’ – the fact that no matter how well you may plan, the universe has a plan of its own! I relish in this play (even though it may be contrary to mine), I find joy in life’s twists and turns and no matter how many times my world is turned upside down – I return to myself, to rest, to calm, to peace, to happiness.

I begin the new path refreshed and washed clean of the muck of the past, holding those experiences which draw me closer close to my heart. None shall touch.



Monday, April 19, 2010

i’m using windows live writer to write and publish this post and i can’t tell you how excited i am about it! i’m back in the study game and all engines firing and ready to go. it’s incredible how fast time is flying by and as the deadlines draw closer i find myself more and more eager to rise to the challenge.

well… since my last post – i’ve been accepted to read for my masters at rhodes (i’m back!) and it’s been nothing short of a blessing. i’m home for a while now, just until the nitty gritties of my fieldwork are sorted out and then… i’m off to… mauritius! this whole experience – this opportunity has been like a gift from above! i’m being supervised by prof rose boswell (an expert in her field) and have the wonderful opportunity of working for the mauritian truth and justice commission. let me not give the full plot away! i’ll definitely keep you posted as ‘things’ develop!

on the ‘personal’ side of life… well… life carries on. there’s no doubt that it’s been a rollercoaster ride, but the adage – time heals all wounds seems more than apt. the universe constantly reminds me what’s important and necessary – it’s like a 24/7 lesson in learning to prioritise!

i’m going to leave it at that for now… i’ve an enormous pile of reading i need to wade through and my tummy’s trying to tell me something…



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