'welcome to my parlor' said the spider to the fly...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

i’m feenished!!!

the feeling of relief sweeping over my sleep-deprived body was – is an indescribable sensation… something like making it to the loo when your eyeballs are floating, or snagging the last piece of chocolate cake… mmm… chocolate cake. yes, the feeling of relief… incomparable to any other human experience.

in other news…

hopefully, my synapses catch up with the good news and allow me some sleep… i’m starting to see square circles floating on my ceiling - which makes me doubt my sanity (irony!!). on the flip-side, i now have time to chill, do some art, go for walks and just generally flomp around camps – which i probably won’t end up doing in any event. tee hee – nevertheless, it’s good to have dreams na?

ok, all together now…

(p.s in case you’re not on the train – i’ve just feenished exams… like forever – well, almost...)

Friday, November 17, 2006

so it’s my last paper tomorrow… my last friggin paper…

the day before my first anthro paper – the mutant spider bite on my ankle flared up, was itchy as hell and woke me up at 3:32 am. because of the wonders of nervous energy i found myself staring at the ceiling for a solid 4 hours, before finally giving up and getting ready for my paper (which was in the morning). therefore, all in all, i had about 3 hours sleep before my crack ‘o dawn morning paper. call my pissy, but i can’t even tie my shoelaces on 5 or 6 hours sleep, let alone 3 before a big exam… and somehow, by a miracle that is all wonderful, i felt surprisingly alert and awake enough to write my paper (quite well mind you…)!! surprise surprise!! been wondering whether i’d have felt so good and up for it if i had had a full night’s sleep. mmm…


writing tomorra… wish me luck… last paper and all… and the all and all and all and all and all…

Sunday, November 12, 2006

and the noise goes on...

i can't believe how badly - or how well - noise travels in oriel. last night, i pulled an all-nighter, working into the wee hours of the morning, and i was very suprised at disgustingly inconsiderate people are. at 2 and 3 in the morning, doors were slamming, and people were talking - not even whispering - in the coridoors. i'm so over res. just so over it.

the drama continues...

sam and i went jogging last thursday, and we stopped for a rest in the botanical gardens. some mean-ass thing bit me, and now the area's gone all red, swollen and a tad blueish... eeew! it's also super itchy. great, this is just what i need to keep my o.c.d under control...

on the bright side of life, this time next week i will be foot-loose and fancy-free!!! yipee!! my bapu (dad) is coming to gtown on the 26th to help pack up all me stuff and cart it back to jozi, and we're only going to go back on the 3rd 'o december, so, it'll be a super week to bond, go to the beach, do all that nice father-daughter stuff!!! he he!

more awesome news...

i recently googled the name of a friend of mine from prep school, and found a mini profile on her as well as an address - and so i e-mailed her to find out howzit going... and... i've received a reply!!! she's doing her DOCTORATE in the u.s and is going strong as ever!! the amazing part is that she's my age!! i'm oh-so-proud to say that i know one of the youngest doctoral students! i can't get over the fact that it's been almost 10 years and in a matter of clicks, seconds, and an e-mail later, i've managed to re-establish contact with a special person from me past.


righty'o... must get back to the grind... have exams to write, insomnia to experience and another jar of pickled gherkins to polish off.


Friday, November 10, 2006

it’s that time of the year again (no, not christmas – but that too is coming around soon!)… it’s exams!! and apart from the copious amounts of gherkins i’ve been munching on – i’ve actually not been procrastinating as much as i usually do. the freeky part though has been having insomnia and hypersomnia at the same time. as usual, i’m a terrible insomniac at exam time, and yet, i find myself sleeping soooo much during the day. it’s probably to make up for my lack of sleep at night, but i’m getting over and above 7hrs of sleep a day!!! freekin me out!!

so… my exam time table looks like this:

4th november: psychology (written)

13th november: psychology

15th november: anthropology

18th november: anthropology

…eeek! just short of stating the obvious, next week i will be seeing mass fire!!

anyway, on the flip side, this is the last year of undergrad studies. from here on, it’s postgrad or i enter the working world. i still have no idea what i plan to do next year. i’m quite keen on taking some time off from academia and getting a new experience, but then again, i don’t want to lose my momentum. so… here we find ourselves at crossroads, floating along with the current, hoping for the best!

we had a terrible water shortage in grahamstown for about 3 days… there was nooooo water in many many parts of the town – and in some places, no electricity either. many residences on campus were affected, but fortunately, our res wan’t hit. when the water finally came back to the res of campus – we all got muddy water! it was insane! and then there was a scare that the water contained heavy metals and other toxic materials. oi vey. and so… for the next 3 days we all lived on bottled water – kindly sponsored by the uni! phew! now everything’s pretty much back to normal – except that sam refuses to drink tap water until he gets home (thank goodness he’s ok with showering!!!)!! tee hee!

that’s all from me at the mo.



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